Thursday, March 19, 2009


I have sent a list of names off to Adrienne to be added to the cash register. Expect to hear something soon whether it's a general meeting or several small ones.

In the meantime, does anybody have anything they'd like to post here? A discussion subject? An observation? A request? Anyone that's listed as an author on this site can create new posts. Please feel free to discuss anything studio or clay related here.

Who's taking which classes in the next session?


Amy said...

posting the dates for upcoming events... spring sale and All Fired Up is a good thing. I can do that later or if you want, go for it...

Max said...

John, I am going to be out of town doing the son/beads/fashion thing till end of next week. I can do the studio gallery if it works out. I can do 1-4 hours after 10AM on Sat or Sunday...but not every week. If we had a list/email/telephone of all who are working and schedules we can trade dates when our personal/family needs require to change "work" dates.

I can always, thru cell phone, check my email but not always able to get to website easily.

I'll be checking email if you need to communicate.

Becky said...

Look forward to the meetings.
As for classes, I'm taking a break from that for a while so I can give my full attention to 1) experimenting with the parietal themes and 2) implementing some of the things we learned from Jim Whalen. Might mean I need to get a little more friendly with the raku kiln. Wanna be my teacher? ^^